MPT System Book v. 3.3 Contents Copyright(c) 1994,1995 Metatec Corp. All Rights Reserved compactBook buttonClick onClick compactBook &Compact Book buttonClick onClick Script Size DriveListViewer Page id 2 tools Page id 4 Tools Reader Open &Tools Window closeWindow Window ~= Reader "Open &Tools %"? 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It incompatible corrupted strWrongVersion( = (bookInfoByBookID( state <> maximized = screenResolution() -- *** May be opening magazine tools e*** -- centerClient myPath <> "\" W) szFileSpec nFoundIt gwMode * = "\" G = SetErrorMode(0x8000 bitOr 0 = SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX; 0 *(SEM_NOCRITICALERRORBOX -- *** fileExists() appears error mode *** -- -) 0x4000 = OF_EXIST = 1) appName discName discIniString("DISC INFO","DiscName","",128) shortName wBookIndex,wInfoItem szBookInfo[][] szBookName, gwBookID runtimePath RuntimePath","",256) discVersionID ","",16) gwConfigFile discConfigFile gwDiscConfigFile indexApp indexCaption setRomDrive szRomDrive ) > 3 = "\" ? = chooseDirectoryDlg("Select ROM n <> <> "\" writeIniItem( -STARTUP"," setStartupDirectory ",".") <> "\" ] = , success setCurrentDrive( setCurrentDirectory( <> -3 = TRUE extension section, entry, /0, bufSize szDiscIni gwBufSize T = 256 discIssueName issueName","",64) issueID","",16) szPref,szDefault ],"Prefs", 9,256) szApp / bOnRomDrive % = ( ","",256) (szAppName (( ! 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It may be an incompatible or corrupted file. szSysInfo maximized wStartupDir wExtension W7strDiscError openFileDlg wVersionID default isAppBook screenResolution DEVELOP wShortName qtromDrive ,ToolBook Books (*.?bk),*.?bk,All Files (*.*),*.* Cannot open bookInfoByBookID versionID Open Magazine openMagazine myPath fileExists false isFile szSysInfo wAppName appName DiscName =PdiscIniString DISC INFO discName szSysInfo wShortName shortName szSysInfo wVersionID versionID szBookInfo bookInfo + , "@ szBookInfo wBookID bookInfoByBookID RuntimePath =PdiscIniString DISC INFO runtimePath version =PdiscIniString DISC INFO discVersionID szSysInfo wConfigFile configFile wDiscConfigFile szSysInfo discConfigFile szSysInfo wIndexApp indexApp szSysInfo wIndexCaption indexCaption szSysInfo wRomDrive romDrive szSysInfo qtromDrive .chooseDirectoryDlg wRomDrive romDrive Select ROM Drive configFile STARTUP ,writeIniItem setRomDrive wStartupDir szSysInfo .chooseDirectoryDlg Select Startup Directory wConfigFile STARTUP ,writeIniItem startupDir setStartupDirectory szSysInfo wStartupDir startupDir + , / myPath setCurrentDirectory szSysInfo wStartupDir setCurrentDrive setStartupDirectory szSysInfo wExtension extension + , > + , #> wDiscConfigFile szSysInfo isFile wRomDrive iniString discIniString issueName =PdiscIniString DISC INFO discIssueName issueID =PdiscIniString DISC INFO discIssueID szSysInfo iniString Prefs wConfigFile preference + , "Q + , "Q + , "@ + , "@ szAppName false szSysInfo wAppName wRomDrive appName wShortName =PdiscIniString DISC INFO isAppBook Wrong or missing disc! Please replace and try again. strDiscError w, #? not found. Please make certain the right disc is in the CD-ROM drive. 1appName strFileNotFound + , #? + , #? Wrong szSysInfo version! to the latest version of wAppName wVersionID is installed and you are attempting to open a You may wish to upgrade file. Version strWrongVersion szSysInfo Do you wish to perform an upgrade now? disc is in the drive. wVersionID is installed and a X6upgrade Version wrongDiscVersion + , #> + , #> + , #? szSysInfo szExec wRomDrive wAppName szSysInfo upgrade.ins isFile wRomDrive Yield wAppName Upgrade program not found. Please make sure the latest disc is in your CD-ROM drive. setup.exe upgrade Please run Setup to correct this problem. strBadSetup + , #? w, #> Copyright(c) szSysInfo Portions Copyright(c) , Metatec Corp. wAppName wVersionID Metatec Corp. SsysInfo All rights reserved. Version helpAbout .chooseDirectoryDlg Select Directory selectDir wTries szSysInfo wStartupDir runtimePath fts30mtb.dll ftsIndexName fullTextSearch ftsSearch search szPath pgRef ftsSearch You must build a Search Index for this book. Cannot navigate to ftsIndexName fullTextSearch end &File &Open... Ctrl+O &Save Ctrl+S Save &As... saveas &Import... import &Export... export Print Set&up... printsetup &Print Pages... Ctrl+P printpages Prin&t Report... printreport Send &Mail... sendmail &Run... E&xit Alt+F4 &Edit &Undo Ctrl+Z Cu&t Ctrl+X &Copy Ctrl+C &Paste Ctrl+V paste C&lear Del clear Select &All Shift+F9 selectall Select Pa&ge Shift+F12 selectpage &Size to Page F11 sizetopage F&ind... F5 search Re&place... replace A&uthor F3 author &Text &Character... F6 character &Paragraph... F7 paragraph &Regular Ctrl+Space regular &Bold Ctrl+B &Italic Ctrl+I italic &Underline Ctrl+U underline Stri&keout Ctrl+K strikeout Superscrip&t/Subscript super/subscript &Normal Script normalscript Su&bscript Ctrl+L subscript Su&perscript Ctrl+Shift+L superscript &Show Hotwords F9 showhotwords &Page &Next Alt+Right &Previous Alt+Left previous &First Alt+Up first &Last Alt+Down &Back Shift+F2 &History... Ctrl+F2 history N&ew Page Ctrl+N newpage &Help &Contents F1 contents Status &Bar F12 statusbar Small Fonts 6121 ^